Oct 26, 2011

Cement running shoes

Sometimes I struggle with being creative & struggle with the whole IDEA that I am struggling with being creative in the first place. Some days I wake up and feel like I have cement blocks on my creative feet and I'm in a marathon to come up with an idea. To me some people seem to just ooze creativity every moment of every day, meanwhile I have days like that but then I have days where I'm wearing my cement block shoes. Tonight I taught one of my art class's of first graders which so far has been 2 - Creative Juices 0 - cement block shoes/bad idea monster! Last session I wasn't so lucky I felt like it was hit or miss and for the life of me I couldn't find the PERFECT idea to get the kids oo'ing and ahhh'ing at the amazingness that is art! One of the students from my previous session stopped by the room to pick up their t-shirt and say hello. He walked over to the table and I proceeded to explain what we were doing (using water, paper towels, markers to give the kids a basic lesson in color theory) the student then proceeds to tell me as he watches us work on what I thought was a pretty simple but fun project, "hey why didn't you teach us things like this? This class has personality!" I immediately thought wow, out of the mouth of babes, I must be doing something right this time! This little guy came into my class again about fifteen minutes later and asked if he would be able to try what we were doing and I said sure! So I gave him a piece of paper towel and explained what to do, he LOVED IT! He then told me "if my mom asks I'm on a 10 minute water break." Oh my!

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