Dear Dad

From Jess

Loosing my Dad, my drive, my inspiration, my biggest fan, and the oil to my water to Cancer was the hardest day of my life. Since then I've contemplated tying notes to balloons, I've buried letters and pictures in the dirt around his grave, hoping, I suppose, that osmosis would allow Dad to absorb the events in my life that he missed. I've talked a lot to myself praying that wherever heaven is there he was listening to me. I've teamed up with my sister (someday when my brother decides to get on the internet more often perhaps he will join) to post on this blog notes to Dad (and of course whoever else reads it) filling him in on our lives.

Our Dad, Roger W. Barnes

From Rhonda 

Dear Dad, 

Words cannot begin to describe how much I miss you. When I close my eyes and conjure up pictures of you in my mind, I long for those memories and images to become reality. I miss our conversations about anything and everything. Many times I find myself having a pretend conversation with you in my mind, as I sort through any of the major decisions in life. I miss your laugh and your unique way of helping me  look beyond my own point of view.

I hope I've made you proud. My heart's desire is to carry-on your legacy in a meaningful and profound way. Everything I do, I strive to do with your legacy in mind. Your child-like faith left a lasting impression on me and I know that if you were still with us, you would continue to be passionate about sharing your new found faith in God's love and forgiveness with everyone you meet. 

I love you, Dad. I know you're in a better place. As I learn to accept that fact, I remind myself of the look in your eyes when you would talk about heaven and how much you longed to be there. You just couldn't wait! You will forever be the ultimate model of how to live out of my faith passionately. 

Even though it's been approximately eight years since you've been gone, I still continue to miss you terribly. I look forward to being able to write down the precious memories of our times together, before and during your battle with brain cancer. I know this will help me to keep a better record of those precious memories, work through some of the pain that still lingers in my heart, and bless others by sharing your amazing story. 

Forever in my heart. 

Love you always,

Your little "R-honda"

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