Nov 21, 2011

Keeping up with the Picassos!

I found these sites today through and HAD to share for my fellow art connoisseur
who enjoys keeping up with the Picassos!

Life is about learning, growing, making mistakes and dusting yourself off to try, try again eventually you will Win

Well my woven Shibori experiment has been TONS of fun with a smidgen of frustration. I decided to forgo purchasing the book by Catharine Ellis and go old school explorer style and explore, experiment, fail, and maybe eventually triumph all on my own...not always the best idea but, if it was easy I wouldn't do it. :)

As the eternal optimist I say WIN! Time to dress the loom and start again!

Nov 17, 2011

Dear Dad

On days where i feel like the whole world is collapsing around me and that 1 more thing couldnt possibly go wrong my first thought is always I'm sorry Dad. Then i remember Your childlike faith in the darkest moments when you knew you only had days maybe hours left you always turned to God. Yesterday was one of those days where my doubts were squashed and my faith took flight. I prayed thanking God for my life my family the smiles on my baby's face and I asked God please find a way to turn things around and just let me know I am on the path you chose for me. And at that moment I laughed thinking of Dad saying "if it was easy you wouldn't do it." which seems to be the theme song to my life. Although if it were easy I don't know if I would know how to do it. Mere minutes later the current situation dissapeared and a few hours after that even more situations found their way out the door. I have so many angels in my life here on earth and up bowling,fishing, joking with God all looking down on me and looking out for me. I felt overwhelmed by my blessings and i still do. Breathing easier today i went to a 2 hour long meeting to find out where life is taking least for the next 6 months. And yet again God's blessings rained down. I am beyond thankful! Thanksgiving will be especially meaningful yet again. Love you miss you!